Exhibitors 2021

Result for TAG "Open Source"

Fabio Defabis, Giovanni Pirozzi

The 68k-MBC is an easy to build 68008 CPU SBC, using only easy to find TH parts.

Paolo Ginefra, Antonio Manuel Marulli, Alice Grossi, Giorgia Mira, Claudio Capurso, Fabrizio Di Carlo

A.R.A.C.H.N.E. is able to probe the soil, mapping and weeding the weeds to reuse them for soil mulching.

Fulvio Airaghi

A simple slider which aim is to create a low-price and high performance equipment, booth for professionals and simple lovers.

  I.07 (pav. I)

La classe 4Bi a.s. 2020/2021 dell’Indirizzo Informatica e Telecomunicazione dell'IISS "E. Majorana" di Martina Franca (Ta), coordinata dal prof. Stefano Ignazzi

Monitor situations of violation of the distance between people, of the number in contingent environments, of the use of the mask, of the positioning during shows.


Team di studenti delle classi 4C, 4B IIS Einstein-Bachelet, Roma . PCTO con tutoring "Officine Robotiche", Roma

The system assists the user in the process of collinear alignment between two points in space. Specifically, it provides the current angles relative to the Azimuth, Elevation and Polarization of the illuminator (in the case of linear polarization signals).

  J.2.13 (pav. J)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

A space where knowledge blends, cultivating competences that help develop new entrepreneurial ideas: AlmaLabor is a Maker Space – a prototyping laboratory for creating prototypes for your business idea, as well as a Co-working and training space.

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

Manuel Bottini

Dive into our virtual reality games like never before with our sensors!

  E.11 (pav. E)

Mindshub APS

CyberOrto is a system that allows you to manage a small vegetable garden in autonomy. You decide, through an application, which vegetables to plant and will provide for their cultivation, alerting you when they are ready for harvest.

DHLab – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Roma Tre

How can ICT empower Humanities? One question, different answers for Archaeology, Geography, Italian Literature, Paleography, History, Art History and Philology.

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

Erwhi Hedgehog is a small open source ROS robot that is capable of SLAM and Vision AI.

Freie Maker e.V.

Freie Maker e.V. wants to let people get access to technologies, through DIY, OpenSource and learning by doing.

  E.13 (pav. E)

Davide Rubino, Domenico Abbruzzese

The project shows the functioning of a 3D printer with infinite axis, focusing on programming and on the main elements that compose it.

Luciano Teresi

Interact with mathematics and create art: challenge yourself with IMAGINARY!

  C.04 (pav. C)


3D printer concepts - made with recycled and upcycled materials, with many innovations

Responsabili: Ilaria Giannetti, Andrea Micheletti - Team: Alessia Bisconti, Gabriele Mattei, Alessia Terrezza

Lasercut origami structures’ is a multidisciplinary research and educational project dedicated to the 'file to factory' design of origami structures.

  D.12 (pav. D)

main author: Mario D’Ettorre, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini co-author: Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

A game similar to “air hockey” using smartphones or joystick like pads. The game can be muliplayer and easily portable

  F.04 (pav. F)

Elettronica In

GreenPass Reader Stand alone to read the certificate without the intervention of a person.

Adriana Postiglione, Ilaria De Angelis

What is gravity? How do planets, stars and galaxies move in the Universe? Let’s find it out together!

  C.04 (pav. C)

Giacomo Bornino, Marco Chierici, Venet Osmani, Antonio Colangelo, Giuseppe Jurman

We exploit AI for early detection of complications in diabetic patients aiming at improving diabetics' health and treatment

  B.26 (pav. B)

main author: Mariarosaria Emanuele, Alessandro Morello co-author: Mario D’Ettorre, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini, - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova

Smart plug and power limiter easy to use: your lights will never go out again

Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Sophomore (Second year of high school)

Our project is based on the wireless transmission of signals using the principle of radio transmission whose initiator was Nikola Tesla.

Stefano Purchiaroni

The clock adopts an ultra-precision RTC (< 1 mn / year) and does not use the multiplexing technique, with an optimal lightning without compromises.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Diego Romeo

A set of eleven Python simulators to study uniform circular motion, harmonic motion and collisions.

  J.2.15 (pav. J)

Arijit Das

Under $100 and less than 1mW Pneumonia Detection solution for everyone using State-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence.

Davide Petenzi

Some cool projects with arduino and 3d prints, a neopixel old clock, led matrix frames and fpv drones!!

  F.02 (pav. F)

Marco Bozzola

We bring professionally-engineered, upgradeable lighting hardware together with Open Source firmware and 3D-printable expansion kits. 100% Makers-friendly!


robots for social work and for catering

Simone Tolomei

A small and versatile ROS-powered robot built to learn, experiment, and test artificial vision algorithms for robotic systems.

  J.2.07 (pav. J)

OpenDot e Fondazione TOG

SayEye: the system co-designed by Opendot and TOG that allows children with severe difficulties to communicate with the eyes.

  J.1.05 (pav. J)

Alessio Morale

Slammer is an autonomous rover project born as a learning platform for robotic in general and ROS.

  J.2.06 (pav. J)

Annamaria Gerardino (CNR IFN); Fabio Chiarello (CNR-IFN); Francesca R Bertani (CNR-IFN); Alessandro Nucara (Sapienza Università di Roma); Marilena Carbone (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

The SpectraFood project involves the creation of a portable device that integrates multimodal spectroscopies for the characterization of the quality of food raw materials, such as grain and flours.

  J.S.15 (pav. J)

Paolo Bonelli

A strong motivation for learning STEM: low-cost and open source instruments for monitoring air and water pollution.

  J.1.22 (pav. J)

e-Nable Italia - Piera Losciale

"SwimAble" is an upper limb device for children who approaches sports in the water

  J.1.03 (pav. J)


A new way to see your city in the future. The LCIM app for smartphones gives you an augmented vision of the urban space

Stefano Purchiaroni

The device allows to test DIY radio controlled clocks, or to synchronize clocks in a domestic or job building in case of poor reception of the native DCF77 transmission

Giovanni di Dio Bruno

UP Raccoon is a ROS robot capable of AI and SLAM.

Team WEEE Open

We are a student team of the Politecnico di Torino. We repair broken hardware and write and install open-source software.

  J.T.07 (pav. J)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am